by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
COVID-19 Can Strain Custody Agreements On March 11, the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic. Within a few months, the virus has made its way throughout the United States, and it has affected almost every household in some...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Collaborative Divorce, Mediation
Try Mediation When the Courthouse Is Closed Ninety-five percent of divorces reach settlements before they would end up being decided by a judge in court. One way to end a divorce case without litigation is through mediation. COVID-19 may actually give divorcing...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
Co-Parenting During the Time of COVID-19 Co-parenting is not easy even without a global pandemic that threatens lives. When people are placed under stress and lives are turned upside down, co-parenting may be even more challenging. Since more than 1,300 stepfamilies...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
3 Tips to Establishing Better Communication Statistics show that children whose parents have shared custody end up in a better place in many different metrics than children where only one parent has custody. In order for shared legal custody to work, the parents will...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce
Why the Court May Not Uphold Your Prenup If you signed a prenuptial agreement before marriage, chances are that it will be enforceable in the event of a divorce as almost 10% of Americans have these agreements. If something seems unfair about it, the presumption will...