Child Custody, Visitation and Parenting Time

Cherry Hill Child Custody Attorney
When determining child custody and visitation arrangements, the court will act in what it believes is a child’s best interest. In general, this means the court will consider the fitness of each parent; how far parents live apart; the educational needs and opportunities of a child; the stability of a home environment; who the primary caregiver is; the work history and financial condition of each parent; the criminal history of a parent; if a child is old enough, his or her preferences; and whether or not parents are able to cooperate and communicate effectively. At the family law office of Morgenstern & Rochester, we understand how the court views child custody matters and what has to be done to protect the rights and interests of you and your children.
Don’t allow your spouse to dictate the terms on which you’ll be involved in your child’s life – contact Cherry Hill child custody lawyers at Morgenstern & Rochester today.
Child Custody Arrangements, Visitation and Parenting Time
In some cases, parents may share joint physical and legal custody, allowing both parents to make medical and legal decisions on behalf of a child while sharing physical custody between them. In other instances, one parent may be awarded sole physical custody while the non-custodial parent is awarded visitation or parenting time. If custody is split evenly between parents, child support will likely be reduced.
If a custodial or noncustodial parent decides to relocate Modifications he or she must first get approval from the court. If the court believes it is not in the best interests of a child to relocate, the court can refuse to modify the existing child custody agreement.
Creating a Child Custody Plan that Works Best for Everyone Involved
Child custody can be one of the most contentious parts of a divorce. When parents are willing to work together, they can create a child custody arrangement that meets the needs of everyone involved. While subject to final approval by the court, negotiating with your spouse allows both of you to coordinate schedules, arrange shared financial responsibilities, specify pick-up and drop-off times, indicate notification and contact procedures, and rotate certain holidays.
In the end, parents can avoid bitter, costly child custody battles if they are willing to work together. Our child custody attorneys use mediators and other professionals when representing clients willing to negotiate child custody settlements but prepare each case for trial in case negotiations break down.
Contact Cherry Hill Child Custody Attorneys at Morgenstern & Rochester
Regardless of whether you’re facing divorce or need a postdivorce modificationdue to a parental relocation, we can help. To schedule an appointment and discuss your case, contact Cherry Hill child custody attorneys at Morgenstern & Rochester today.