by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Divorce, Property Division
How to Locate Hidden Assets in a Divorce Proceeding It’s a pretty common occurrence—when your spouse decides to file for divorce or learns that you plan to serve divorce papers, he or she starts hiding money or property in an attempt to keep it from being divided in...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody, Child Support
Making Certain Your Child Support Order is Fair In every state, including New Jersey, there are state-established guidelines for the calculation of child support. You don’t have to let the amount of support be determined by the guidelines, though—you can agree to...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Alimony
By Andrew L. Rochester, Esquire In the last article, I wrote about some of the more well-known aspects of the proposed alimony reform law in New Jersey. This article addresses the other proposed changes to alimony that have not gotten as much attention. One...
by Andrew L. Rochester, Esq. | Child Custody
In the last month, two separate panels of the New Jersey Appellate Division have issued conflicting rulings on the issue of who chooses the last name of your child after a divorce. This week, one panel of appellate judges chose to apply what is called the “best...